Friday, October 15, 2010

How we began..

I am so happy and proud to see babababy finally taking off!! I came up with the idea for a self dating bottle while I was nursing my first son, who is now eight years old! I was so frustrated with the current methods of storing breast milk. I have met countless Moms who shared in my frustrations. Markers smudging, stickers leaving adhesive on the bottles, or falling off, and I always despised the plastic bags. When you have a screaming baby, the last thing you want to do is search for a sharpie! My babies always naturally yelled, "baba!" when they were hungry. One day, I was in a large grocery store checkout line and my son was grabbing at my shirt, screaming, "babababa!!!" and this sweet lady beside me said, "That's so funny, my kids called it that too! Don't change it, or he'll be yelling 'boobie boobie!!" I've since discovered calling Mom to nurse or even the bottle is often referred to as, "baba", so it was an easy name to pick for our company! I hope you love our products and that we can make life a little easier for everyone, I sincerely wish I had the twist to date cap while I was pumping! Mothers are the necessity of invention, and at babababy, we look to all our Mothers to share their wisdom.